What is Deepopinion Studio

Deepopinion Studio is a web app giving you access to world-class AI at your fingertips

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What is Opinion Mining?

Opinion Mining (also called sentiment analysis) is a technique to derive positive or negative opinions from text.

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Is there a free trial?

Yes, you can sign up for free and try everything out.

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Which performance metrics do we use in the Studio?

Having a look at our model's performance metrics, we can understand our models deeper. We can compare them and decide if they are state-of-the-art models or improve their performance. This section shows the analytical descriptions of all the performance metrics that we use in Studio.

performance metrics
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Why would I use ABSA / Opinion Mining?

You would use sentiment analysis to gain actionable insights for your organization.

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How do I start with DeepOpinion Studio?

Log in or sign up, click on the person icon in the upper right corner, and click on "start tour" or keep on reading.

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How Do I Connect PowerBI to DeepOpinion Studio Automation

Connect your PowerBI account to DeepOpinion Studio directly and get your data there using Automations!

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